Nadia Nardi Journal

Thursday, May 19, 2005

pre-contest prep....

I just realized that it has been almost a month since I last updated my journal...yikes! I have been busy painting my new house over the last few weeks and somehow, time has passed me I'm actually in the process of moving in to my new home this week....things will be back to normal soon and I'll resume my weekly updates of the journal.
As of Saturday May 21st, I'll be 15 weeks out from the! 15 weeks....I know it'll pass by quickly. I'm in to the hard part of my pre-contest prep...strict dieting, training, and of right now I feel great, in fact, this is the best I have ever felt both physically/mentally leading up to a show....lets hope it lasts!
I'll be adding a pre-contest countdown section to the site so, be sure to check out my progress pics as I get ready.
I'll be out of town next weekend to judge a bodybuilding should be's a novice show up in Northern BC....I'll share the details when I get home.
Enjoy the rest of your week...and the weekend too!