Nadia Nardi Journal

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm home...with a quick update!

a little more than 3 weeks left to go now! I'm more focussed and driven than I ever thought's ON! I am so excited to compete! Now that I'm in the final stages of my diet, things are coming together quickly....we've even had time to experiment with my diet a little has sure been interesting to watch my body respond. I'll admit that this 'prep' has come with its challenges, but so far, it has all been very worthwhile! My excitement has been coupled with the 'nervous butterflies' which I'm sure is only normal at this point. I know I'm not the only one 'busting my ass' in the hopes of reigning victorious at the Canadians this year. The toughest part is knowing that you need to 'hit it' just for one day...timing is everything :)

Last weekend was an absolute blast..the show was amazing! The weather was horrific to say the least, but it had zero impact on the show just simply made driving conditions extremely difficult. It literally rained cats & The BC's had a large increase in female bodybuilders this year...the overall win was awarded to the heavyweight who was VERY impressive! Aside from the 'stacked' classes of great competitors, the guest posers were quite entertaining. Colette Nelson put on quite the performance...she was followed by Gunter who worked the crowd amazingly well! Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to visit with all of my friends due to the chaos of the weekend, but I did see a few. One spectator in the crowd was particularly was none other than Steve Wennerstrom - IFBB Women's bodybuilding historian. It seems he decided to venture up North to watch our show. We had a nice visit and had some time to 'catch up'...I hadn't seen him since the Canadians last year. Of course, I promised to bring him some of my baked goodies to Edmonton this year! I guess I'll be seeing him again in roughly 3 weeks.

Me, Steve W & my pal Bon-Bon

time to eat and get to the gym....been training super early these days...firstly, to avoid the heat that has returned and secondly, to avoid anyone I know who's wanting to chit-chat about whatever! I'm certainly anti-social these days and I'm really in no mood to share gym equipment with anyone! Good grief I sound bitchy!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

1 more sleep and I'm on the road again....

My last trip....thank goodness! I'm leaving tomorrow morning to judge our Provincial championships being held Saturday the 21st in Vancouver...this show should be awesome. I'm really looking forward to it. This show always brings out 'quality' athletes. The best part is that the female bodybuilding classes are looking to be quite competitive!

Last weekend was absolutely fabulous! My trip out to see my trainer was VERY eventful! I often wish I lived closer to her :) With the final weeks of my prep all planned out, I'm super excited for what's to come. This is going to be a whole new experience for me and I can't wait! She too is in the midst of her pre-contest prep, it was really cool to see how much progress Helen has made since our last visit. She'll be competing in Atlantic City just 4 weeks after my show!

It was incredibly hot while I was away and I mean HOT! I swear, I did not stop sweating all weekend and the house was even I know, I lady like, right? Well, I'm a walking metabolic furnace right now...
Summer in these parts has all but's cold and rainy now...much easier to sleep at night, but very taxing on my joints!

As of tomorrow, I'm precisely 30 days from stepping on stage. This will be my final weekend of cardio..YAHOO! All of my hard work leading up til now has paid off...sure, the lack of cheat days/cheat food has been extremely challenging, so have the early morning sessions of cardio, but ultimately, it has been the greatest test of my will power. So far, I have had the mental strength to 'hang on' and let me tell ya, I couldn't have done it without the support of my trainer. I'm sure there are tons of people who prep for a show on diet food alone without any extra goodies, I gotta give them credit because it really is tough! It's simply mind over matter. However, the trade-off has been great..I have really enjoyed eating a larger amount of food on a day-to-day basis...the recipes Helen provided me with made the diet even easier to follow. The one thing I can say for sure is that in the past, I used to feel like absolute 'dog shit' after a cheat day! I'd eat so much that I'd be bloated for days with a wicked sugar would mess with my mind too. Keeping everything constant this time has enabled me to remain focussed and literally watch my body change daily...I don't need much more motivation than that :)
Now speaking of Helen, she'll be flying in to see me in roughly 2 weeks. It'll be our final meeting before I arrive in Edmonton for the show. WOW! The idea of it just gave me's almost showtime!!!

alright, I have rambled on enough for one day..have a good one!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

and so the bake-a-thon continues....

Just when I thought I had baked everything imaginable....I'm still too fancy these days though. I think I have concocted myself an entire off-season worth of home-made winter oatmeal will never be boring again!

The sun is finally here to stay and it is DAMN HOT! I love it! To top it off, aside from a bit of heat sensitivity, I feel fabulous! I haven't been to the beach yet, but I am enjoying the warmth and sunshine!

I'm off to see Helen on Friday and I'm truly excited about it! The weekend with her should be fantastic! Of course, we'll be training together...we did a few workouts at one location last time, but this time we'll be training elsewhere....a change of scenery should be motivating for both of us :) The weather forecast for the upcoming weekend in Edmonton looks to be incredibly dry/hot.... I can't wait!

With only 5 1/2 weeks to go, I'm getting more and more excited about 'hittin' the stage again! Still not sure of what my contest weight will be yet, but it doesn't really matter anyway...I'll show up as the best 'me' I can be and the rest is up to the judges.

Our Provincial competition is 'right around the corner'.....once again, it'll be an opportunity for me to catch up with some of my friends whom I haven't seen in a while. It's shaping up to a big show....I'm sure I'll come home with tons of pics this time!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

time for an update!

I know, I know...I'm long overdue for an update....I have been feeling a little 'under the weather' lately and was in need of some much needed I took some time away from everything. Now that I'm feeling better and I'm able to function like a civilized human being, I'll bring you up to speed. I swear, this year I have picked up every flu bug that has gone around...I even managed to pick up a head cold and it's friggin' summer..WTF? With my hectic schedule I guess I was bound to pick up some form of illness along the way. Now that I'm back to feeling like my old self again...everything seems easy!

I'm now in the final stages of my pre-contest prep...with a little less than 7 weeks to go, I'm more than happy with where I'm at! My weight is still dropping at a steady rate, I truly do not have much further to go. Thankfully, I'm not under any pressure to lose the final few pounds....they'll come off when they're ready to, I guess. I'm still doing cardio though :) It has taken me long enough, but I'm finally starting to enjoy it...the gym is a peacefully, quiet place in the wee hours of the morning....I watch the sun rise every day, it's beautiful. I have also been using my early cardio sessions to watch the news and catch up on current events etc. It sure does make the time pass quickly.

This past weekend, the Fitness & Figure nationals took place in Edmonton and what a show it was! The women of Team BC kicked some serious ass! I am so proud of them! Many of them reigned victorious or placed top 5...some notable mentions are: Jeni Briscoe who won the Figure Tall class and the overall, she was awarded a pro card! Macey Boudreau won the Med-Tall class, Fawnia Dietrich won the Medium class, Bonnie McKechnie placed fourth in Figure short, Jen Jewell placed third in Fitness short and Charlene Akhust made the top 5 in Figure Tall. Kumal Johal placed third in the women's Masters Figure class and lastly Maria Morrone placed top 5 in the Figure medium class. Needless to say, BC was well represented at this show!

A pic of Team BC:

(Back row L - R) Jen, Kumal, Bonnie, Charlene, Maria
(Front row L - R) Fawnia, Jeni, Macey

Now speaking of Edmonton (the home of my trainer), I'll be making another trek out to see Helen again in a little less than two weeks and I am so excited about it! Jeez, I think I have earned the 'frequent flyer'
This will be my final visit before I arrive the week of the show. It'll give us an opportunity to make any last minute adjustments necessary leading up to the competition. Not only that, we'll get to train together again for a few days. I love training with Helen, I find her very inspirational and motivating. She has discipline and a work ethic like nothing I have witnessed before.

Once I arrive home, I'll be packing yet again to head out on another trip which will take me to Vancouver to judge our Provincial level event....the lovely and talented Collette Nelson will be guest posing, I'm sure she'll put on a great show for the crowd :)

Time to get ready for the gym again.....I have changed my training schedule lately so that I'm training earlier in the's nice to train when it's cooler outside, you see, my gym does not have A/ can get pretty damn hot in there during the afternoon!