Nadia Nardi Journal

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

quick update....

ya know, as I sit here at 10pm writing this journal entry, I'm also hovered over a bowl of this egg white custard type concoction I make when I diet.....aka Meal 6 for the day. If I weren't dieting right now, I couldn't even begin to imagine what I may possibly be consuming at this hour...either way, due to hunger and desperation, I will tell ya that this custard is amazing. If you were to ask me about it during my offseason, I'd probably damn near retch at the thought of it, but as I diet it becomes the highlight of each day. Correction, the highlight of any day in my life is when I have time to hang out in my kitchen and bake, but the egg white custard runs a close second. And speaking of baking, I have cooked up some pretty crazy stuff recently. Of course, I've given almost all of it away though. I may single handedly be responsible for everyone I know gaining weight while I diet...scary, huh?

The NY Pro is only a week and a half!...time REALLY does pass by quickly. I'm curious about the outcome of this event considering the number of women combined in the one class. I do have some predictions, but I'll keep them to myself....we'll see what happens on May 9-10. I have some bitter-sweet feelings regarding this event because I really wanted to compete there, but I also know that backing out was probably for the best. My time will come, I just need to be patient. Until then, I'm focussing on my guest posing appearance that is creeping up on me very quickly.

I'm headed out of town this weekend to judge our first bodybuilding show of the season and I'm really looking forward to it :)I'm not sure if I'll have time to get some pics while I'm there, but I will try.

gotta run...


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