Nadia Nardi Journal

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter!

Good Friday has come and almost gone... Easter weekend is here and I'm excited about it! I'll be using Easter Sunday as my cheat day this week so that I can enjoy chocolate/treats and Easter dinner with my family!

Even though today is a holiday, I made my way to the gym this evening to train arms like I do every other Friday night. Have I mentioned how much I love training arms? It was unusually quiet at the gym tonight...most Fridays are hectic in the gym.... I'm seldomly ever able to get through a workout without being interrupted or without waiting to use a bench/dumbbells/etc. Tonight was a welcome change from the usual....

My workout this evening went as follows: Triceps first - tricep pushdowns followed by nose-breakers and finished with tricep extensions then on to biceps....dumbbell curls followed by
one-arm preacher curls followed by inlcine dumbbell curls and finished with a few sets of cable was great!

Here are a few pics of me at the gym tonight....enjoy!

Happy Easter!


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