Nadia Nardi Journal

Saturday, August 12, 2006

5 weeks to go!

My webmaster is home and my journal is fixed!!!! YAHOO!
Well, as of today I have 5 weeks to go....I never though it was possible to be SO excited yet shit-scared at the same time! Not only is my pre-contest prep on my mind, but I'm guest posing alongside Gunter next weekend! I'm not much of a 'ham' on stage...I never have been. I'm one of those peole who typically does a routine only because I have to not because I want to. My main focus has always been training and competing and not the performing aspect of it. So, I'm sure you're wondering, why have I chosen to guest pose? I was asked to do it and I felt it would be a great opportunity to ensure I'd be close to contest condition further out from my show than usual. It'll also be a great opportunity for me to practice my posing routine.... On a positive note, this experience is encouraging me to put more effort in to my routine and have some fun with it. The best part is that I will get a preview of what I'll look like on contest day.... Aside from that, many of my friends/family who haven't had the opportunity to see me on stage will be able to travel to the event and watch me perform :) My music is cut and it is AWESOME! My posing routine itself is almost finished....I have 5 days to perfect it and then I'm on the road to the show. I promise to post a few pics when I get home.

My workouts have been great...I have actually gotten a bit stronger....I didn't think it was possible, but I guess it is...I'm certainly not complaining though. I seem to be growing new veins every day..some people dislike vascularity, but personally, I think it's looks VERY freaky!

Unfortunately, I'm working today..I'd love a chance to sit around and do nothing or maybe even go to the beach....oh well, I'll have some time for that soon enough.

A pic from training arms yesterday...


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